PLIMSHOF Inductee #35
Dr. Pablo Pereda Gonzalez - Meijin
He was born in Logroo, Spain. He took up the studies of Doctor in Medicine and Surgery. Later he studied the medical specialties of biology sports medicine ,and rehabilitation. He subsequently enrolled at the University Autonnoma of Barcelona, where he studied Orthopedic Medicine and Traumatology. He is also a medical sophrologist.
His official initiation into the world of Budo was in 1967. His real discovery of the Art took place under the apprenticeship of a Master of Chuan Fa and Tomari-Te Masashi Motegui, with whom he stayed almost ten years. Thanks to him, he was admitted into the School of the legendary Masafumi Suzuki, who practiced Goju Ryu and Ju-Jutsu. In 1978 , he received the manuscript dealing with To-De from his Great Grandfather and from that moment, helped by Motegui, he has been working in that line of Tomari-Te in order to help him understand To -De better.
One of his best patrons is the charismatic Master Dr. Vernon C. F. Bell (deceased in year 2004) intimately related to the already deceased Master Mochizuki, Kanazawa, and many great Masters of the tradition.
After 20 yeras of study and before presenting the 1st historic exhibition of Paralimpics Karate, a first in both Karate and the Olympic Games . After the Olympic exhibition , he received honors from nearly all of the great Budo Masters, specifically, the legendary Rioichi Sasakawa, his work was presented to the Emperor of Japan. He has three Worlds Records in Karate Kata - Kumite -Tamesiwari. He was Champion of Karate at the University (1977-1978).
Dr. Pereda, Soke, Founder of Garyu Ryu Karate received the title "Meijin" from Master Dr. Vernon C. F. Bell, President of EJJU and the Seibukan.
He has however, the recognition of the highest authorities in Budo on the international level, highlighting the title of Meijin.
Dr. Pereda is in possesion of the Gold Book from the International Olympic Committee. He has received recognition of Karate through "Karaterapy" by the World Health Organization and has been a candidate for the Nobel Prize of Solidarity 2003 - 2004
"Meijin" Judan Karate-Do & Ju Jutsu
Soke Founder of Garyu Ryu Karate -Do
Soke of To-De
President and Chairmen (Honorary) EJJU and the Seibukan
President of Garyu -Ryu and Tomari-Te Organization
President Founder Seibukan Sasakawa
President Founder I.B.S.